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Walsh & Associates Offers Commercial Lease Agreement Services in Toronto and Across the GTA

Reviewing Agreements

Purchasing a commercial property with a business or multiple businesses, such as a plaza, will often entail the review, assumption and in some cases, the renegotiation of an existing commercial lease agreement.

Purchaser’s Concerns

As the purchaser, you will want to know even before firming up the agreement of purchase and sale that you understand the lease you are assuming, including, the rent breakdown, the division of responsibility for maintenance of the property, consent for alterations, demolition rights, assignment and subletting clauses and the availability of security deposits or letters of credit, amongst other considerations.

Seller’s Concerns

As the seller or vendor in a commercial transaction, you will be concerned with distancing yourself as much as possible from any environmental, contractual and/or tax liability issues or unsuspecting issues that may arise after the closing of the transaction.

We Can Help

Whether you are purchasing with or without tenants, selling, or entering a commercial lease for your business operations, our team of lawyers is experienced in reviewing, drafting and negotiating your commercial lease and advising you on your rights and risks.

Note to users : The PLTT Calculator is for general illustrative purposes only. The amount it projects is based upon the PLTT rates as of January 1, 2017 and the NRST rate as of April 21, 2017. The PLTT calculator does not take into account the single family residence apportionment or any of the rebates or exemptions you may be eligible for. Walsh & Associates, Barristers & Solicitors cannot guarantee the results. Walsh & Associates, Barristers & Solicitors shall not have any liability for the accuracy of the information contained on this page.